Luce In His New Home
Thursday, May 18th, 2017Once back home Luce needed to get a bite to eat
Here he is in a classic Berner Pup position
Luce is settling in and getting comfortable
Once back home Luce needed to get a bite to eat
Here he is in a classic Berner Pup position
Luce is settling in and getting comfortable
The day has finally arrived. This is at the San Jose Airport Delta Cargo counter. Delta was great. The counter agent saw that the flight arrived early and went right away to the plane to get Luce. He was back in about 10 minutes. Stacey could not wait to hold the new little baby pup. His full AKC name is “Raycevision’s Ecco Luce il Cane Bellissimo” but he is Luce to us.
Here we are getting ready to drive home.
Here is Luce just before he came to us. By this point we knew he was ours and was being called by his new name. Soon he would go on a grand adventure in the sky. In case you are wondering, the little boy is not strangling Luce.
Here is an amazing video of Luce playing with his Berner mommy.
Here is Luce’s 6 week picture
More of a close up so you can see him better.
He might not be quite so sure just what is going on here.
Here is Luce’s week 5 picture.
Here Luce is out for a bit of an adventure on the back porch. You might be able to see one or more of his brothers in the shadows.
Luce is 4 weeks of age here. He seems to just want to crash out. Maybe his 4 brothers are getting to him a bit.
Here is our little Luce at 3 weeks of age. He is starting to show just how beautiful he is.
Here is Luce’s 2 week picture. His pink nose is starting to turn black.
Apparently Orange Boy was the first of his litter to escape from the pen. At this point he was though to be “independent” buy he might have just been looking for some peace and quiet.
Here is Luce at 1 week. Back then he was only known as Orange Boy. You can see his orange collar and this little guy is no April Fool!
Happy Birthday Luce (pronounced like Lou-chay). It is an Italian word meaning Light. This is a symbolic name as he has brought brightness to what has been a dark time since we lost our sweet, sweet Coco. You can see more about past other Bernese Mountain Dogs at