Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Grande Orso Bambino [Big Baby Bear]

Thursday, June 22nd, 2017

Yes, Luce likes to be held. I guess the way we see it, time is running out on how much longer we can do this so why not enjoy it while it lasts. Luce totally goes along with it and tends to snuggle in. Which is why he is our Big Baby Bear.

Happy 13 Weeks

Thursday, June 22nd, 2017

Luce turned 13 weeks old today. It was a normal day, started to at the gym which is where this series was taken.

Questo è un cane felice [This is a happy dog]

[Luce]:I just love my mommy

[Stacey]: I just love my Luce

[Luce – Seems to be thinking]: Hey, this is a private moment, move along


Yet Another Luce getting carried away picture

Sunday, June 18th, 2017

When is Dinner?

Saturday, June 17th, 2017

Luce is quite the “Chow Hound”. When its time to eat, he knows it, and lets you know that he knows it:

OK, that didn’t work. How about I show that I am so hungry, I can’t even sit up without leaning against the cabinet, and oh yea, wipe off that smile, I mean business here.

12 Weeks Today

Thursday, June 15th, 2017

Happy 12 Week Birthday to our Luce

After all that being held stuff, Luce needs a rest. Why not right here on the nice cool tile?


Bunny Berner Pup

Thursday, June 8th, 2017

Its really too bad Luce does not get any attention

11 Weeks Today

Thursday, June 8th, 2017

Luce è undici settimane oggi

The Duffle Bag

Monday, June 5th, 2017

So Luce has really taken a liking to my gym bag. I guess to a dog, it must smell really, really good. If left unzipped, he will dive in and pull out whatever he can. If he hears me unzip it, he will come running. Here he is trying to play it cool but I know what he wants.

Here, he decided that since he can not get in, why not get on?

Friday with Luce

Friday, June 2nd, 2017

Here are a few pictures of who else but Luce. He is sort of posing for me here and after this he decided to go lay down.

Well, after all that effort, its time to find a nice tight spot to take a nap. Yes, he likes to travel the long way around the room, behind the sofas. In his travels he found a few spots to nap and this is one of them.

Happy 10 Week Birthday

Thursday, June 1st, 2017

Luce is 10 weeks old today! Let’s see how long the pictures can be of Stacey holding him.