Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Freedom At Last

Saturday, July 8th, 2017

Today Luce got his final round of puppy vaccinations so he is now free to roam about the area. Well, not that free… He still needs training and will be on a leash, but at least he can cruise around on the ground now. Our backs are sighing relief collectively as he checked in at the vet at 43.9lbs.

This Was Not Meant to Be A Glamor Shot

Friday, July 7th, 2017

This was taken in my home office which has dark blue walls and Stacey is holding Luce under one of the ceiling spot lights. The effect was different than expected but a great picture non the less.

Quindici Settimane è Qui

Friday, July 7th, 2017

Well we made it to fifteen weeks, not that we though we wouldn’t. As you can see, Stacey is still holding on (by a thread). Tomorrow Luce gets his last puppy shots and will be free to explore.

Luce’s First Bath, Which Happened to be on the 4th of July

Tuesday, July 4th, 2017

It was not exactly the plan to give him a bath today but he needed one and the weather was nice and warm. We have hot and cold water lines in the front of the garage so the water was just the right temperature. He cooperated very well during the actual bath. Stacey did most of it:

I played relieve washer (if that makes any sense). By this point, Luce was not looking too happy about the whole affair.

Then came the drying off part. This was a little more of an issue. We had exposed him to the blow dryer on a few occasions so he would be used to it. Eventually he settled in and probably figured it wasn’t so bad after all:

Then he finally gave up and figured, what the heck, I’m OK.

It’s July 1st

Saturday, July 1st, 2017

A new month with our baby boy. Well, he’s not the size of a baby anymore but Luce is still my bambino piccolo. Here we are again at the gym after a little romp across the grass.

Later, we made our way over the hill to Los Gatos to pick up a few things but first, a stop at Starbucks. We met (from afar) a big black Lab and black Labradoodle and the owners understood that Luce was not ready for visitors yet.

Mom, Dad, What’s up with the Bottom Step Shrinking?

Friday, June 30th, 2017

So, like, the last time I sat here while you were tying your shoes, there was plenty of room for me to sit here but now I can barely keep from falling off. Whats the deal? Why did you make this thing smaller?

Thanks, mom… You always know what to do to make me feel better.

Happy 14 Weeks [Felice Quatordici Settimane]

Thursday, June 29th, 2017

Luce turned 14 weeks old today. We think this might be the last time Stacey can hold him for his weekly picture but who knows, we will see next week won’t we. He graduated from the small travel crate for the car to a large one which barely squeezes into the back seat. He skipped right over the medium size.

Just Sittin’ Here, Ain’t Doin’ Nuthin’

Monday, June 26th, 2017

I’m just sittin’ here so go ahead and move along. Nothin’ at all to see here

Well, this flip flop just jumped at me and I had to do somthin’. Why didn’t you move along like I said before?

Out with Luce

Sunday, June 25th, 2017

Well, we had a nice blanket, actually a big towel, laid out for Luce but Stacey though he would be more comfortable this way. He sure seemed to prefer to be held,… Like always

Trip to Starbucks Los Gatos

Saturday, June 24th, 2017

After getting a weigh in at Adobe Animal Hospital South Bay we took Luce to the Starbucks across the street. They have a really nice outside area with comfy wide outdoor chairs. We put down a blanket in the corner between 2 chairs so he could be right next to us. That did not last very long and he entertained some other patrons when he climbed up onto our chairs. First on Stacey’s…

then a little later on mine.