Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Luce got to meet some nice girls at Starbucks in Los Gatos

Saturday, August 12th, 2017

When we were at Starbucks in Los Gatos (CA) on Saturday, Luce got to meet up with some nice girls. They had fun giving him some attention and he seems to enjoy it as well.

When they were leaving, he watched them pack up and go:

Happy 20 Weeks, Big Boy

Thursday, August 10th, 2017

Well, 20 weeks has arrived and we finally have to retire the collar that Luce arrived with. It was a sad occasion but a necessary one that kind of caught us off guard. Luce actually fits into Ruby’s Swiss Traditions collar. Ruby was not that small so we know that Luce is one big boy:

Here is the collar by itself. I don’t think Luce minds wearing a hand-me-down and I know our Ru-Ru would have loved Luce and happy to pass this down. She always seemed to want a pup of her own.

Luce Sitting Up for Mamma

Thursday, August 10th, 2017

Sorry for the delay in posting. I just finished changing servers from my old trusty Sunfire V100 to a not so old MacMini. This is a little scary as I am changing from my nice warm and trusted Sun Solaris Unix to Ubuntu Linux. Anyway, back to the fun stuff: Luce gets very excited when he gets to run around at the gym. He still wants Stacey to pick him up but I think he knows he is just too big now. Here he is sitting up to greet her:

Luce and Mamma on the Beach on Our Last Full Day

Tuesday, August 8th, 2017

Here is Luce chillin’ under the umbrella on the beach with his mamma. He is definitely a “Mammoni”.

Luce’s Favorite Table in the Hotel Lobby

Tuesday, August 8th, 2017

Here is Luce hanging out in the hotel lobby while the room was being cleaned. He didn’t quite understand why we had to leave as he would have been more than happy to help carry the rags around. While I was checking my email, Luce strategically placed himself under the table and rested his head on the bars between the table legs. It must have been comfortable because he stayed that way for quite a while.

Luce’s Flirts with a Couple of French Girls

Monday, August 7th, 2017

Luce had a brief moment with 2 standard French Poodles on vacation. We got to see the girls run and play first which was amazing as they were so agile and moved almost synchronized. Stella, the brown poodle, was very nice to Luce when they met up at the coffee shop once or twice. She even lifted her leg so he could greet her properly. Luce parla Italiano solo un poco, ma lui parla Francese molto bene.

Luce Takes a Snooze in the Shower

Monday, August 7th, 2017

Luce decided to take a little snooze in the nice cool shower. The threshold was perfect to rest his head.

Apparently brother Max has been doing this for a while.

Felice Cinquantesimo Compleanno Mamma

Saturday, August 5th, 2017

Luce posing with his mamma on her Birthday

Luce and Me at the Beach

Friday, August 4th, 2017

Here we are at the beach under the umbrellas. Yes plural, there would not nearly be enough room for me and Big Lu under just one umbrella.

Luce Really Likes Vacation

Friday, August 4th, 2017

Luce is really getting to like vacation. He is getting way more attention than usual, not just from us, but most everyone he meets. He also seems to like the king sized bed that has lots of room for him. Here he is gnawing on his antler.

Here is Luce just laying on the bed, waiting for the next mealtime.