Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Should I be worried that Luce does not get enough attention?

Thursday, September 28th, 2017

Luce seems to like to sort of “beg” and offer both paws in a sort of “double shake paws” which usually causes the following reaction from Stacey.

Who is training who here?

The Gym Bag, Numero Due

Thursday, September 28th, 2017

I usually put my gym bag in the trunk when Luce is along for the ride (which is most of the time). Today I forgot and put it in the back seat which to Luce’s delight, made for a happy ride. Instead of the usual head at the window he spent the whole time nestling with the gym bag:

This is not the best picture but it gets the point across. Lest you forget how much Luce liked my gym bag, here is what he used to do:

I don’t know if I should be happy that he likes it so much or worried that my stuff smells that good to a dog.

Luce at the top of the stairs

Wednesday, September 27th, 2017

Luce sometimes likes to sit at the top of the stairs like other Berners we have had. He does something different though in that he likes to put his front feet on the second step. Maybe he likes to have a head start getting down the steps or maybe its just more comfortable to him to sit that way.

Questo é Luce, il nostro bello cane al suo compleanno di sei mesi

Saturday, September 23rd, 2017

This is Luce, our beautiful dog on his six month birthday. We are long past when Stacey could hold him so I get the honor now. He is about 80 lbs so not that easy to hold. We want him to be comfortable being held like this in case it is necessary which is what we did with our past boys and girls.

He still lays on the floor like a little pup and we hope he does not out grow that. We think he likes the feeling of the cool tile floor on his belly but who knows. We call this his “froggy” position.

Luce and the Table

Monday, September 18th, 2017

Luce really likes the end table near the kitchen. He must remember when he could lay under it and take a nap. Well, he can only get part of his head under it now:

In case you forgot, here is Luce just a few short months (and about 50 lbs.) ago and something is not quite the same as it used to be.


Luce the Cardog

Sunday, September 17th, 2017

Luce is turning into a real car dog. He has gotten the hang of steadying himself around turns, stopping, accelerating, etc. He now likes to put his head out the window while moving to feel the air. He seems to like it best when the window is all the way down so we secured the leash to the center console so he cannot go any further than just his head out the window. In the following pictures we are parked so he is probably hoping we will get going again.

Here is a live action video. Stacey is holding the leash as well as it being secured to the console.

Luce and Mr. Chin

Sunday, September 10th, 2017

First you might want to know who Mr. Chin is. He is a rescue Pekingese that my Mother-in-Law has had for quite some time now. He is a funny little guy and acts like a big dog in some ways but likes to be carried around like a little dog.

Mr. Chin does not seem to like Luce all that much and backs him off when Luce tries to engage with him. Usually that amounts to a snarl and Luce gets the message. This time, Mr. Chin tries a different tactic, which was to play dead. That completely confused poor Luce at first but he outlasted the little guy.

Luce Hangin’ By the Back Door

Saturday, September 9th, 2017

While Stacey was outside watering the plants with the hose, Luce longingly waited by the door, hoping to get to the hose. Stacey eventually let him out assuming that he had to do his business. Nope, he wanted the hose. When he didn’t get what he wanted, he went on a rip, running though the dirt along the back fence. That resulted in a feet washing that he really didn’t seem to appreciate.

Luce Goes Shopping

Saturday, September 9th, 2017

Luce got to go shopping today. We actually started out at Starbucks for coffee, then on to Adobe South Bay for a weigh in. Big Lu checked in at 75lbs (Cane Grande). While shopping, he did great staying close on lead and going into a sit-stay when stopped. We could not get a picture in a sit-stay because if you take too long he automatically goes to a down-stay. He is at BevMo here which was good to start out since it was early and the store was mostly empty.

Then it was off to Costco which was a little more of a challenge since it was much busier. Even with all the distractions, Big Lu did great. Again, the sit-stay turns to a down-stay, pretty quickly. Several people asked if they could take him home so I just smiled.

Luce found a new cool place to hang out

Tuesday, September 5th, 2017

I had a hard time finding Luce last night. I had left him downstairs because he was laying on the tile floor and he seemed to like the cooler temperature there. A little while later he was not there nor any of his usual spots which made no sense as our house is not very big. At last, I found him in the master bedroom shower. Today he was back there again and did not want to get out.

Then again, he might have been trying to re-live vacation where he discovered the shower. In this picture, he seems to be thinking “What’s a dog got to do around here to get some rest, move along”.