Morning Workout
Sunday, February 18th, 2018Luce goes to the Gym when we do and here he is waiting for Stacey to get her shoes on so we can go. At the Gym, he has to stay in the car until we are finished but then gets to run around.
Luce goes to the Gym when we do and here he is waiting for Stacey to get her shoes on so we can go. At the Gym, he has to stay in the car until we are finished but then gets to run around.
Luce had a playdate with a new friend that is about the same age. The 2 pups had fun but Luce got tired pretty quickly. His new friend’s name is Hiro and he is a Husky mix that was recently rescued by his new family.
Luce gets a little rangy when it gets close to dinnertime. Since his oral surgery, he has to have soft food which mean we soak it for a few hours before he gets it. We are sure he can smell it so it is doubly hard for him to ignore.
Luce had a friend come over for a visit. Well, actually I was dog-sitting my mother-in-law’s rescue Pekingese politically incorrectly named “Mr. Chin”. Luce was happy to see him but would not leave him alone. Chinny (as he is called) was very nice about it but I was concerened that Luce would not leave him alone so I made him a little bed and he settled right in. At first Luce sniffed around a litte:
After a little while Luce calmed down and took a rest:
Well, Luce is several days past his surgery and is not a happy camper. If not for the good medications, he would not have been taking a nap like here. When it starts to wear off, he gets antsy pansy. The collar tend to get heat up his face but on the flip side, it provides a soft surface for his face when the rest of him can be on the cool tile.
Happy 10th Month Birthday to Luce’s littermates. Here Luce is celebrating with his favorite rope toy. He especially likes to play tug-of-war with me with it but I can only last so long.
Our little piggy was feeling a little down due to the rainy weather. If you turn up the sound, you can hear his little grunts and snorts.
I guess Luce did not appreciate the sign with “NO DOGS” (among several other things) as he decided to “mark” it using his new found skill at lifting his leg.
Luce is learning to get his teeth brushed. We first tried to just jump right in and brush them but that didn’t work out quite so well. He is “grande e molto forte” so trying to over power him is not likely to be successful. However, when we make it a game, the outcome is “molto diversi”. Here is a short clip of the “Tooth Brush Game”:
Happy Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day everyone!
Luce had a checkup at the vet today. He weighed 93.6lbs so he has put on a little weight since the last weigh in. All in all he checked out fine and got a clean bill of health. He was very excited to see the vet and the vet tech which they both attributed to “puppy energy”. Here you can see he has no issues being here: