New Bed Status: Luce 1: Stacey:0
Tuesday, July 3rd, 2018Well, Luce waited it out and finally got his spot back:
Well, Luce waited it out and finally got his spot back:
Stacey decided that Luce might want a dog bed to lay on instead of the floor. Now we have tried this with many dogs in the past and only a few have actually laid on them. To get him used to it, we put it where he usually lays down under my desk. He stayed away from it for quite a while, then decided “I guess I will just have to make the best of it”:
He did try out a corner but did not seem to want me to notice:
I took Luce for a walk in the linear park that surrounds our development the other day. Here he was exploring a new spot:
and here we were near the playground near the open field:
Then something caught his attention which presented a great opportunity for a full profile shot:
Luce has taken to jumping up on the bed at night. He seems to get too hot after a while and gets down, cools off on the tile for a while, rinses, and repeats. Here at 11:38 PM, he was asleep while laying on his back in between us. It took a few tries with the iPhone camera with the flash on since I was holding it up so I could not see what I was shooting:
Luce seems to pick one or two toys that will be his favorites for a while. He decided to lay on this like a pillow:
When I approached from the side he raised his head, looked over as is to same, “Don’t even think about it”:
We had a lot to do today and could not take our piccolo porcellino so he had to stay home. When we were getting ready to go out for dinner, it was clear he wanted to go. Fortunately where we were going has parking in the shade. Here is Luce in the back seat with Stacey in the front. In case you a wondering, yes, that is his slobber on the side of the car and no it has not been that long since it was washed.
Luce really likes his morning run / stick chase. For the first 10 minutes or so he is really hard to catch. After that, he likes to stop when he gets to the stick that I just threw and chew a little on it. Here he is in his “home” position which is where he runs to if I chase him.
Here he is on the other side of the grass area.
When Luce was a puppy we had to take away all of the soft toys because he would bite off pieces and the eat them. He seems to be much better with them now so he is allowed supervised visitation with them. Here he is trying to say “just hangin’ here, nothing to see”.
When Stacey works on her computer at the kitchen table, Luce often approaches, then snuggles up close to her. This subconsciously makes Stacey start to pet him. I caught this picture when I came into the room and saw what was going on:
Luce looked at me as if to say “Dude, I’m working an angle here, buzz off”.