Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Buon Anno Nuovo

Monday, December 31st, 2018

Well, almost… We finished up the year with a little trip to Menlo Park for a late lunch at Bistro Vida, then on to Stanford Shopping Center to poke around a bit. At Nordstrom Luce needed a little rest:

I am not sure the person in the Gucci salon appreciated Luce hanging around but the other customers seems OK with him. After that we walked around the shopping center a little more but then Luce needed another break:

This time it was in an outdoor seating area so Luce sat very nicely with me while waiting for Stacey to come back.

Luce’s Vet Visit

Wednesday, December 26th, 2018

Luce does NOT like going to the vet. From out point of view, they could not be nicer and calmer but he wants no part of it. Today, he proved our thought that he has turned into a “Cinghiale Grande” by weighing in at 101.1lb. He calmed down a bit when I sat with him on the floor.

Luce Found the Beef

Tuesday, December 25th, 2018

Luce’s nose apparently knew where the beef was on Christmas. Soon after it was placed on the stove to warm up a bit, Luce caught the scent. We had to move the roast in case he got any “idei cattivi“.

Luce e gli uccelli

Friday, December 7th, 2018

Luce and the birds. Luce got to do some exploring in a vineyard in the Carneros region on the Napa Valley. In this region, there are Starlings that feed on what was left on the vines after harvest. They move in huge swarms and we were able to capture a few swarms which was amazing. If you listen very closely, you can hear the flutter as they take off.

Luce Crusin’ in the Napa Valley

Thursday, December 6th, 2018

Here is Luce in the back seat lookin’ cool while cruzin’ up highway 29 in the Napa Valley.


Luce’s Calendar Shot

Thursday, December 6th, 2018

Luce stopped for a perfect pose at about the halfway point on the walk. The first part is a straight line along the edge of a vineyard and then wraps around to the top of an embankment where he is here.

Luce and Some New Friends

Thursday, December 6th, 2018

Luce met some new friends on our trip to the Napa Valley. Here were are in St. Helena getting ready to go on a walk. We met up with a woman with 3 Berners that was just returning from their walk.

Here is an action shot of a mother and son. The son is on the far left and his mom is nudging him. Not sure what Luce was thinking of all this.

Happy Birthday to Me!

Thursday, December 6th, 2018

Well, today I turned the big Five-O. What better way to celebrate than a nice 1.5 mile walk with our Big Lou. The sun even came out and all the clouds cleared for the first time since we got here. That caused it to warm up quite nicely which was great for us but not so much for Luce.

Toward the end, he was eye-balling every puddle to maybe take a drink. Even Stacey, who is usually freezing, had to peel off a few layers to stay cool.

Once back at the car, Luce got a nice big bowl of cool water.

Later we had to get cleaned up for dinner and of course, Luce was ready for the little adventure.


Luce and the Doodle

Thursday, December 6th, 2018

Luce found a friendly Doodle that did not appear to be “pazzo nella sua testa”, go figure.

Luce and the Labs

Wednesday, December 5th, 2018

Luce met up with a pair of Labrador Retrievers (yellow and black) and did his best to keep up but they pretty much ran circles around him. Eventually, he caught up with them when they discovered a big puddle in the vineyard. The black lab kept on running back and forth as you can sort of see here:

Then I think they got bored with it since it was’t deep enough to swim in:

Then Luce was like “Hey, where did everybody go???”

Then, as you probably could guess, it was back the to room for some rest: