Luce at the Pool
Tuesday, May 28th, 2024Luce like to go out to the pool in the evening when the sun is not so hot and the trees provide more shade.

As usual he wants to get some attention so he does not wander too far.

Luce like to go out to the pool in the evening when the sun is not so hot and the trees provide more shade.
As usual he wants to get some attention so he does not wander too far.
Now that the pool is complete, Luce can finally enjoy the nice weather before it gets too hot. Here he seems to be surveying his new found territory.
As you can see below, he is staying close to Stacey. The floating platform in the pool is called a “Frog Log” and is there to help any small critters that find there way into the water, have a way out.
Well, after many months of delay and stress, the pool is finally complete. If you know anything about Luce, you know he is NOT a water dog. This evening, we were just relaxing out by the pool and so was Luce. Of course, he wanted to be as comfortable as possible.
Now sitting takes energy and we all know he is not high energy.
Today, Luce took a little rest after his walk. When he does this he often does a quick scratch but today he just took in the scenery.
Today Luce looks so happy after his walk, I couldn’t resist capturing it. When we come down the driveway, I usually need to take the poop bag down to the trash so I alway tell him to “go home”. He knows to go the to front door which is in the shade in the morning.
We are on our morning walk and Luce decided to explore over by a fence that crosses a pipeline. Due to the clearing, there was a nice view of the sky. In reality, Luce was probably looking for deer droppings which is why I always stay close by to head that off.
Here is a new pose for Luce. Stacey was holding his paws after he went into his “bear” pose but then bent down to be fully eye-to-eye. Not sure why this happened by the back door other than because there is a carpet there which gives him much better traction.
Today we went out on the beach a little earlier and he definitely likes the wet sand better than the dry. Besides being firmer, is is also much cooler.
We had to go to the area for a family member and were able to stay at Stacey’s step sister’s beach house. I was working that week (offsite as usual) but Luce got 2 walks each day, on the street in the morning and on the beach in the middle of the day. As you may know, he does like the sun but the temperature was not hot and there was a nice breeze.
We are getting a pool at the back of the yard and are about 75% done. Luce came down to check out the progress but he could only come to here. The way he was sitting, this was the best angle. Stay tuned for when it is finished and Luce can check it out up close.