Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Un Stanco Luce è Un Buono Luce

Sunday, April 7th, 2019

A tired Luce is a good Luce. We went for a walk/run which ended up being much more of a run than a walk. After a quick feet wash Luce crashed on the driveway:

I tried to roust him but he did not want to move. He was probably also enjoying the sunny morning which we have not seen here in a while. I called Stacey out to see and I guess he got embarrassed because he popped up to see her:

He then proceeded to go inside and take a nice long nap. Later on, after he was well rested, he popped into his “begging bear” position to get some attention:

Luce Plays Tug-O-War

Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019

Luce has a morning routine like anyone else. First, he goes outside to do “his business”, then some time on the bed for some “attention”, then downstairs for breakfast, then it is play time. This morning, I guess things did not progress fast enough so I saw this when I closed the door to the fridge:

Keep in mind that he is laying in the main path to the kitchen and that rope was not there a few minutes before. I especially like the look as if the say “Your not going to let me down again are you?”. OK, you win, lets play tug-o-war:

Was that Luce or a Howler Monkey

Monday, March 25th, 2019

We took a short trip and of course brought Luce with us. When we were packing up we left Luce in the room for about 5 minutes and when I returned, he was howling in the room. Fortunately, I do not think anyone heard him but it looks like we need a little training time to extinguish this behavior. The rest of the trip was great and Luce had a good time. He especially liked visiting the house where Stacey was working. Here he is again in the backyard:

At one point, something caught his attention and struck a near perfect pose. If I didn’t know better, I would think he was stacked for a show:

Buon Secondo Compleanno “E” Cucciolata

Saturday, March 23rd, 2019

Happy second birthday “E” litter. Luce “celebrated” with a trip to the groomer who gave him a birthday bandanna.

It has been quite an adventure over the past 2 years (minus the first 8 weeks). Although Luce should be well past the puppy stage, he is still our “cucciolo piccolo”. As you can see below, he still lays like a “little puppy”.

He is pretty stubborn when he wants to be and certainly gets the award for having extreme confidence. He is gentle at heart and even when other dogs have been aggressive, he just held his ground and dodged if he had to, but was never aggressive back. He is finally getting better with recall even in situations where he does not want to “come”. He loves to run at full speed but only if you run with him. It is best to get a head start so he can run until he catches up. I am sure he is looking forward to seeing his brother Max this summer, who obviously also turned 2 today. Happy Birthday Max!!!

Luce the Ball Dog?

Saturday, March 2nd, 2019

We got a brief break from the rain so we took Luce out for a nice walk. We went around the tennis courts and Luce found a ball. I threw it and he actually ran and retrieved it.

Then he was like “Not sure what to do with it now, maybe we can call Max, he is probably good at this kind of thing”. But you might be thinking, no way, he is a Berner, not a Retriever. Well, we have proof:

Luce vs. the Umbrella

Saturday, February 9th, 2019

We were just walking along when out of the blue, this umbrella appeared before us. Luce took the lead to protect us from this unwanted interloper. In the end, I think it ended in a draw as the umbrella stood its ground. Luce definately told it who was boss though.

Luce Tours Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World

Friday, January 25th, 2019

We were in South San Jose, CA so Stacey could go to a design center there so Luce and I decided to take a little side trip to Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World which was not too far away. I was not sure if it was OK to bring him in but there were no signs prohibiting it and I soon got a friendly welcome from a few employees commenting on how beautiful he is. In fact, as I wanderd through the store, several times I heard someone make a comment about him but I could not see where the person was. Eventually we came across the Aquarium:

Luce il Gato

Wednesday, January 16th, 2019

Luce might be part cat. In the TV room we have a sectional sofa that we cover so we can watch TV and Luce can be right up ther with us. In order to get it just the way he likes it, he first moves away the cover and then scratches it to get it just right, we guess. See for youself:

Luce Snores While He Takes a Nap

Saturday, January 12th, 2019

Luce was taking a nap just outside my home office door when his snoring started keeping me from concentrating. Since he already interrupted me, I figured I might as well capture it on video. You might have to turn up the sound to get the full effect.

Luce Chillin’ on the Tile

Friday, January 4th, 2019

Even though it is cold here (for Northern California), Luce still likes to lay on the tile.

He was always a hot little puppy and we used to put cold rags on his belly to keep him cool when it was hot. We also placed several large stone tiles on the floor in the TV room so he could lay on them. Now he knows where to go.