Bernese Mountain Dogs in Their Natural Environment
Monday, July 8th, 2019Here is a pair of Bernese Mountain Dogs in their most natural environment, the mountains. That is Luce’s brother Max on the right.
Here is a pair of Bernese Mountain Dogs in their most natural environment, the mountains. That is Luce’s brother Max on the right.
Well, we finally arrived in the Sierra Mountains and met up with Luce’s brother Max and his family. Here we are just after meeting up:
As usual, Luce is right at my feet with his brother MAx right beside us. Baron does not appear to be too sure so he kept back a little. After a short while, the boys decided to take a little run-around:
Well, we are all packed up and ready to be off and away. Luce is not quite sure where we are going and is a bit put off by the new canoe on the roof.
He should not be that surprised since he was there when we picked it up from CanoeJack himself. He is even on CanoeJack’s Instagram page:
Once onboard, Luce settled in and was ready for the adventure to come.
Luce likes to get as comfortable as possible and here he is hanging out in the TV room with me. He usually gets tires of the TV after a short while but here we are before the TV is on so he is happy to spread out.
I was working in the driveway and Stacey though Luce might want to want to watch. She laid a towel down since he knows that is where he is supposed to lay and he settled down to watch what I was doing. I was working out there for quite a while and forgot he was there. I had to go around to the back of the house and when I came back a few minutes later his head was up looking around, but once he saw me again he put it back down. We think he really likes to coolness of the stone on the porch. Later, Stacey came out and he popped up into his begging bear pose:
Of course once he saw me he gave me a look as if to say “Whatta U Lookin’ At”:
Luce usually does not just walk like most dogs, he tends to strut on his walks. He does not need a leash so we usually do not use one in our own neighborhood. He loves to sniff a spot to death and strut along to the next spot what I call for him to “come-on”. Here he is after I just called to him:
Here is another video when he really wanted to keep sniffing so he ignored the first few recalls (yes, we still have some work to do).
Luce is supposed to get fed at 4:00 PM which keeps pretty much keeps him from bothering us while we eat. Don’t get me wrong, he does not beg for table scraps ever which is probably due to the fact that he has never gotten any. We made that mistake before but let’s not go there. He would find many ways to be annoying if he did not eat before us and we were sitting there at the table. Here he is watching Stacey get his food ready and yes, he still lays with his legs splayed out like a puppy:
After helping to put up our new flag Luce decided he needed some well-deserved rest. Actually, all he did was stay close enough to get underfoot and be a tripping hazard, but he thought he was helping:
Luce was just laying there (on our bed) minding his own business:
Quando mia mamma vienne a me e me ha dato bacci:
Dad got the whole thing on video:
When we start out playing the “Stick Game” I will throw the stick and Luce will go and chase it down. He will proceed to play keep away util I maybe get it back from him, rinse and repeat. When he start getting tired, he will lay down and chew on it:
Whn he sees that I am getting close, he will hold on tight to see what I will do:
Closer yet and it might be time to prepare to skedaddle:
Yep, getting to close, time to go. I know I can out run him though.