Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Luce Relaxing with Momma

Monday, September 2nd, 2019

Luce is generally a very relaxed kind of dog. Here he seems to be taking it to a whole other level.

Luce Visits The Rosewood Miramar

Friday, August 9th, 2019

We took a little walk down the beach and came across the Rosewood Miramar Beach Hotel and decided to take a little tour. Luce was on his best behavior and several people commented on what a good looking dog he is. Stacey took him inside for a picture in the lobby area.

Luce Found his Very Own Beach House

Thursday, August 8th, 2019

By dog house standards its quite large with over 6 square feet of living space. It has an amazing view of the Pacific Ocean with an authentic beach vibe. The roof needs some TLC and it is in a flood plain so there are a few drawbacks. His realtor thinks he should keep looking but we think he has his heart set on this place.

Luce Lounging by the Pool

Wednesday, August 7th, 2019

It looks like Luce might be thinking “This is a really nice place and all but I have not seen a waiter all day. Whats a dog got to do to get some service around here?”.

Then he probably thought “I know, I’ll just go bother mom. She always knows what to do”.

Luce the Hammock Helper

Monday, August 5th, 2019

When on vacation, Luce usually does pretty much nothing when not out on a small adventure like going to the beach or strolling around town. Here he is relaxing with the Birthday girl. Fortunately he did not try to get in the hammock.

But then Stacey had a grand idea. Maybe Luce could help her swing just a bit.

When you Absolutely, Positively Need a Cool Place to Lay Down

Sunday, August 4th, 2019

Luce found the coolest spot in the house which would be the shower. Here he is pretty tired so he was not interested in trying to smile for the camera.

Back to the Beach

Saturday, August 3rd, 2019

After spending such a great week in the mountains, we needed to balance things out with a week at the beach. Here is Luce posing for a picture at the water’s edge.

Luce was much braver this year and actually played in the water a bit. He still wanted a little security now ant then like here.

Another Great Trip

Friday, July 12th, 2019

This wraps up another great and fun trip to the mountains with our pack of Moutain Dogs. Even with the major run-ins with the hotel staff, capsizing the canoe on Donner Lake, and the car breaking down, a good time was (mostly) had by all involved. Here are Luce and Max with a stick. Luce knows it will get taken if he starts to eat it.

Alas, it had to be confiscated.

Max looks like he is thinking, “Dude, what up? , like, that was my stick, I’m not going to eat it like Luce would”. Meanwhile, Luce looks like he was thinking: “Please don’t let him see the ball, I won’t tell him so don’t you, we really don’t need any more trouble around here!”.

Max the Bear Rug

Wednesday, July 10th, 2019

This is Luce’s brother Max, I mean “real brother”, as in, littermates (just in case you as new to the blog). He was hangin’ in our room for a little while and apparently decided to crash in the entry. Also… no, he is not hiding under a bear skin rug, that is all him.

Berner Play Date

Monday, July 8th, 2019

Luce’s Brother Max came over for a short play date in our hotel room. Stacey showed she is not to be trusted by letting Max up on the bed. Max appears to be thinking “I am pretty sure I am not allowed up here but Luce seems cool with it so I guess it is OK”.

Later, Luce, Max, and I played a game of Tug-O-War with Luce’s rope. It was 2 against one but I think I was able to hold my own since I think I still had them outweighed by a few pounds.