Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

You Give Black Tri-Color Dogs a Bad Name

Sunday, February 9th, 2020

Poor Luce. We went to Wild Roots (alternative) supermarket for some “healthy” food and of course, Luce went along for the ride. When I returned to the car I found Luce giving me a look as if to say: “WTF is his problem and yes, he has been doing this since just after you left”. I have to give the poor little guy some leeway here. As they say, your dog is a reflection of you and Subaru is the official pace car for Highway 9 and 17, you do the math.

Luce Goes to the Gym

Sunday, January 26th, 2020

Luce went to the gym. Not that type of gym, a jungle gym in the playground. We were taking a walk in the park which was totally empty in the early morning hours. I wanted to see what Luce would do if I went up the steps on the play structure to see if he would follow and to my surprise he did. He got a little confused when I put him in a sit-stay and climbed down to take his picture. All was well when I guided him back to the steps and then to “terra firma” and gave him a treat for his efforts.

Buon Anno Nuovo

Wednesday, January 1st, 2020

On this first day of the new year and decade, Luce was enjoying a nice sunny day here in Northern California when I was able to capture this picture. In reality, he was getting impatient because he was promised a walk and I was trying to get a picture.

I think it is a really good picture of him and plan to use it as my screen background.

Luce Visits Rosewood Sand Hill

Sunday, December 29th, 2019

Just before ringing in the new year we decided to take a quick trip to the Menlo Park – Palo Alto area and of course Luce was there to help with all the pre-New Year Celebrations. Here he is discussing plans with Stacey:

Buon Natale (Merry Christmas)

Wednesday, December 25th, 2019

As soon as the Christmas roast was prepared to go in the oven, Luce was on the scene, ready for his fare share. I had to shoo him away with the usual command “GIT” but he seems to be having some trouble hearing right then. I’m not sure why.

Luce Meets Lyla

Wednesday, December 11th, 2019

When we were at the bank the other day we ran into the cutest baby Berner. Her name is Lyla and she seemed to take a liking to our Luce right away. At first, Luce did not seem too sure but came around quickly. Here is Lyla sitting nicely in front of her Mom.

The ran around a bit and Luce seemed to be having fun.

Happy Thanksgiving

Thursday, November 28th, 2019

Luce would like to wish all of his following a very safe and Happy Thanksgiving. That and any leftovers you could send his way would be appreciated.

Luce and the Signs

Friday, November 8th, 2019

Signs, signs,
Everywhere there’s signs,
Blockin’ up the scenery,
Breaking my mind,
Do this, don’t do that,
Can’t you read the sign?

Credit to Les Emmerson of the Five Man Electrical Band for the passage above.

Un Bernese in Italia

Tuesday, October 8th, 2019

Noi abbiamo visto un berner in italia nella città di San Gimignano:

Canoe Outing to Lexington Reservoir

Sunday, September 8th, 2019

We had a little excursion to a local reservoir without Luce since he could not handle all that sun. On the far side of the reservoir, we found a Berner so we had to stop to say hello. As always is the case with Berners, he was very friendly

Stacey said hello and gave him some attention before he had to get back to his family: