Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Luce the Bear

Saturday, June 6th, 2020

From a sit position, Luce likes to rear up to greet you on occasion. Here, Stacey takes the opportunity to come in for some up-close attention.

Luce and the Roomba

Friday, June 5th, 2020

We had an addition to the household and Luce is not too sure about it. We got a Roomba and Luce was very curious about it. He followed it around and did not seem to like when it moved toward him. The video captures the moment pretty well.

Luce at the Groomer

Friday, May 15th, 2020

You would think that Luce would not want to go to the Groomer or once there, want to leave… Well, that is not the case. Maybe it is because his groomer, Maddy is the absolute best, so, he definitely is always excited to see her. When we get there, he usually greets her then runs into the crate in the corner. The funny thing is that it is probably way too small for him, but he runs in any way and turns around. Here is a pic of Luce once in the crate. Keep in mind, nobody told him to go in there, he just ran in all by himself.

Now the Shoe is on the Other Paw

Saturday, April 4th, 2020

Stacey was attempting to stretch her back on the floor when Luce suddenly decided she might need some “help”. Stacey was a good sport about it and let him “help” her get the kinks out.

Luce Gets Some Rest, Sort of

Wednesday, March 25th, 2020

Luce was just minding his own business, laying on our bed when he was disturbed by some attention.

As if that was not bad enough, someone caught it all on video.

Buon Terso Cumpleanno Luce

Monday, March 23rd, 2020

Happy Third Birthday Luce. We just can not believe that Luce turned 3. Where has the time gone. Of all of the Berners we have had, Luce has by far had the best life. He is rarely left alone and pretty much goes everywhere we do that does not involve passports. That said, he is definately the most stubborn. I tried to get him to sit still enough to take a festive birthday picture but he was having none of it. Oh well, maybe next year.

Luce at Starbucks Again

Saturday, March 14th, 2020

Luce does not like to be left behind when we both go somewhere. He has learned that weekend mornings usually mean a trip to Starbucks or Coffee Cat. On this Saturday just before the zombie apocalypse forced us all inside, we had coffee at a local Starbucks with Luce right by our side. He did very well maintaining his down-stay while I went to find out why it took 15 minutes for 2 drinks and a breakfast sandwich while the place was basically empty:

Playdate with Lyla

Sunday, March 1st, 2020

Luce got to meet up with his GF Lyla. At this point, she had her paw resting on his arm and he seemed like he was very happy:

A short while later, Lyla decided to stretch out and relax a little. I hope Luce is just licking his nose because he has an itch and not because he is admiring Lyla’s lady parts (based on his viewing angle it is difficult to tell):

Eventually, Lyla decided to play some more but Luce was pretty tired out. He must have found that rolling over was easier than getting up and playing for real:

Luce on a Mini Hike in Twin Lakes Park

Thursday, February 27th, 2020

After I went swimming at Simpkins Family Swim Center, Luce and I went on a short hike in Twin Lakes Park. I had never been there before and since the trail was shaded by tree cover the entire time, Luce was happy. Lots of new things to sniff. Eventually, we found a lake and I got a picture while something caught Luce’s attention:

Luce Finds a Berner Pup Stuffed Animal

Monday, February 17th, 2020

Last Christmas we received a stuffed animal Berner Puppy as a gift from a dear family member. It was being kept in my home office on the sofa and Luce finally found it. He played with it for a while and we were worried he would shred it like he has done on the past with every other stuffed animal. He must think this is special since for the most part, he treats is gently and does not harm it.