Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Luce relaxing on the front porch

Friday, April 23rd, 2021

Luce like to be where he can see everyone. When I have work to do on the driveway or in the garage, Luce like to put himself in the middle. In this spot, he can be mostly in the shade and rest on the cool stone which he really likes. As you can see, spring is in full swing here.

Happy 4th Birthday to Luce

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2021

Todays is Luce’s 4th Birthday. It is so hard to believe he is that old now. After all, he still acts like a puppy in many ways.

Is it Luce, or a Bearskin Rug?

Friday, March 5th, 2021

From this angle I was not sure if Stacey brought home a bearskin rug or if Luce was flattening himself out on the floor again. This time of year is not hot here in Norther California so I don’t think he was trying to cool off on the stone floor like he does in the summer months.

Luce Chillin’ in the new car

Tuesday, February 16th, 2021

It finally came time to retire the old Range Rover after about 12 years of mostly good service. The new car arrived a few days ago and Luce still is not so sure, as you can probably see. The back seat windows are lower so he can’t lean on the door like he could before. Well, he will get use to it.

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

Monday, January 11th, 2021

Luce needs to be brushed more than regularly to keep the Berner fur tumble weeds in the house to a minimum. That usually take place in the driveway and Luce does not really like it much at all. No matter how much you brush, it still comes off so after a while we both get tired. The fun part afterward is to pick up the clumps of fur that do not blow away first.

Happy New Year

Friday, January 1st, 2021

Luce thought it would be nice to hang out on the porch on such a nice New Year’s Day.

Merry Berner Christmas

Friday, December 25th, 2020

Luce got a new toy among other things for Christmas and had a good time getting to know it. Now sure why he decided to stick his tongue out for the picture but I am sure he had his reasons.

Luce Gets into the Christmas Spirit

Sunday, December 20th, 2020

Luce is not too sure about Christmas decorations. He gave the wreaths a good sniff but was not sure why they were there. He found out quickly the reason for us to be out there which was for a bath. He usually goes to the groomer but they were shutdown due to Covid. All in all it went just fine and then he was ready for the Holidays.

Luce Enjoys Relaxing by the Firepit

Saturday, November 28th, 2020

After a grueling day of laying around and trying to get an extra walk, Luce like to relax by the firepit. Yes, there are sheets over the outdoor furniture which keeps the black fur to a minimum.

Hiking Henry Cowell

Saturday, November 21st, 2020

We took Luce to Henry Cowell Park for a nice hike through the redwoods. The trail in which they allow dogs is paved and not too difficult. It was a little more then 6 miles round trip and Luce did great. We got in trouble at one point by a park ranger who saw that Luce was off leash.