Il nostro Luce si è spenta per sempre
Since most do not speak Italian, the title states “Our Light Went Out Forever”. Today was the absolute worst day of my life. I do not know how to even start here. Our precious Luce left this world today. Stacey and I held him and talked to him and kissed him and loved on him until well after he drew his final breath. His life was lost after a very short and hidden battle with cancer. He only showed signs that something was not quite right 4-1/2 days before he passed, when he didn’t eat much for breakfast. He was a chow hound so this was very unsual and alarming. He was also drinking much more water then usual and having to go out to pee more as well. We took him to the vet and they found nothing after an exam, ultrasound, and blood tests. The picture below is where I found him after making scrambled eggs for him to eat since he didn’t eat in the morning. He got up and ate all of the eggs right there in the shower which made me feel a little encouraged. In the late afternoon his nose started bleeding so we rushed him to the emergency vet. His platelet count was through the floor and below the point that spontaneous internal bleeding could occur. Additionally he had a 105 degree fever which was likely why he was laying in the shower as it was cool. At that point, there was no time for anything else to be done to save his life as his system was already shutting down and the bleeding would not stop.
Rest in peace our Baby Bear! We will NEVER, EVER forget you!

AKC: Racevision’s Echo Luce Il Cane Bellissimo or “Luce” born to this world March 23rd, 2017, arrived in our arms May 18th, 2017, departed this earth October 3rd, 2024.